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Think Well, Be Well: Sleep + Mental Health

Sleep Matters for Mental Health

When you don’t get enough sleep, not only does it affect your physical health, but it also takes a toll on your mental health. In fact, 心理健康和睡眠密切相关,睡眠不足经常会导致焦虑或抑郁等问题.

不幸的是,研究一致表明,美国人晚上很难睡个好觉. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 大约三分之一的成年人每天没有得到足够的休息或睡眠. A lack of sleep can result in physical symptoms (e.g., an increased risk of developing obesity, 糖尿病和其他慢性健康状况)和心理影响(例如.g.情绪低落、焦虑、易怒和认知能力差). 这篇文章探讨了睡眠和心理健康之间的关系,并提供了更好的睡眠技巧.

The Impact of Sleep on Mental Health

睡眠对最佳健康状态至关重要,包括精神健康. 当个人持续遭受睡眠剥夺或睡眠质量差时, 随之而来的是对他们心理健康的一连串不利影响. One primary facet that is affected is emotional regulation; inadequate sleep can render individuals more susceptible to mood swings, heightened stress levels and irritability, 哪些会加重焦虑和抑郁的症状, making it challenging to cope with life’s demands. 此外,睡眠在认知功能中起着关键作用. 在深度睡眠期间,大脑进行记忆巩固、情绪处理和毒素清除. 这一过程中的中断会影响集中注意力的能力, make decisions, and effectively solve problems. 

Over time, 慢性睡眠障碍会导致精神健康状况的发展或恶化. 解决睡眠问题和优先考虑健康的睡眠习惯是提高心理健康的重要一步, 增强情绪弹性,促进认知清晰度.

Tips For a Better Night’s Sleep

睡眠和心理健康都是受各种因素影响的复杂问题. However, given their close association, 研究还在继续探索高质量睡眠如何有益于心理健康. 睡眠质量差的迹象包括即使睡够了也没有休息好, 夜间反复醒来并出现睡眠障碍症状(如:睡眠障碍).g., snoring or gasping for air).

睡眠质量通常受到个人健康、环境、心理健康和生活方式的影响. Consider the following tips for better sleep:

·         Eat nutritiously. 良好的饮食习惯可以帮助你睡得更好,一整天都精力充沛. Also, avoid big meals right before going to bed.

·         Exercise regularly. A workout can help relieve stress, reset your circadian clock, 减少睡眠障碍症状,提高白天的能量水平. 只是一定要避免睡前剧烈运动.

·         Keep a consistent sleep schedule and routine. 尽量保持相同的起床和就寝时间,包括周末.

·         Establish a bedtime routine. 例行公事可以帮助你的大脑放松,意识到是时候睡觉了. 记录下有助于入睡的睡前习惯, like listening to relaxing music, reading before bed or taking a warm bath. Repeat those activities each night.

·         Keep your bedroom cool, dark and quiet. Create a good sleep environment, 包括舒适的室温(60-67华氏度), minimal noise and sufficient darkness.

·         Put the electronics away at bedtime. 蓝光电子设备会让你晚上睡不好觉. To reduce the effects of these sleep-stealing devices, 睡前至少一个小时不要使用它们.

·         睡前避免使用酒精、咖啡因和尼古丁. 像咖啡因和尼古丁这样的兴奋剂会提高警觉性,使入睡和保持睡眠变得困难. While alcohol may help you fall asleep at night, 它会扰乱你的睡眠,让你醒来时不那么休息. 因此,睡前四小时限制这些物质的摄入是很重要的.

·         Reduce your fluid intake before bedtime. 而我们的身体会在睡眠时减慢尿液的产生, 摄入过多的液体会导致你在晚上去洗手间. 尽量在睡觉前两小时停止饮用饮料.


获得适当的睡眠对改善和保持良好的心理健康非常重要. Adequate sleep not only aids emotional regulation, reducing the risk of mood disorders, but it also supports cognitive functioning, 提高你清晰思考和做出正确决定的能力. 睡眠不足可能会增加对压力源的消极情绪反应,减少积极情绪. As such, 长期睡眠不足或睡眠质量差会导致心理健康问题的发展或恶化, creating a harmful cycle.

优先考虑健康的睡眠习惯对培养心理弹性至关重要, emotional stability and cognitive vitality. 向医生咨询更多美高美集团4688改善睡眠习惯或解决睡眠问题的信息. Additionally, if you’re concerned about your mental health, 和你的医生或有执照的心理健康专家谈谈, 或致电药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局的全国帮助热线800-662-HELP (4357).

本文仅供参考,不作为医学建议. 如需进一步信息,请咨询医疗专业人员. © 2023 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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